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[Promoted to promote investment] Chen Jingfei led the investigation to expand effective investment, made strong Lishui economic home!
Source: | Author:demingcn | Published time: 2015-07-28 | 1736 Views | Share:
On July 16, Chen Jingfei, deputy mayor and director of the gathering area (Development Zone) CMC, led the investigation in expanding effective investment.
2015-07-17 Lishui Economic Development Zone

  On July 16, Chen Jingfei, deputy mayor and director of the gathering area (development zone) CMC, led the investigation in expanding effective investment.

Chen Jingfei and his entourage came successively to Deming Automobile, Ai Fuquan Pharmaceutical, Humble Gentle Podium Exhibition Hall, South Fourth Road Neighborhood Community, Bearing Park, Fu Ling West Block Road Network, Donghua Fergus, Yuzhuang Former Residence Project, Xiushan Road Primary School, etc. 9 project site, look at the progress of the project to understand the building block.

  On the 17th, the development zone to expand effective investment, held a special meeting.